Strategic Role of the Danube and its Tributaries in Cross-Border and Regional Cooperation in the Middle Danube River Basin

The XX jubilee International Scientific Conference “Danube – River of Cooperation” was held from September, 24th to 27th, under the title The Strategic Role of the Danube and its Tributaries in Cross-Border and Regional Cooperation in the Middle Danube River Basin. The conference focused on the following issues:

  1. Geo-strategic role of the river Danube as European Transportation Corridor VII,
  2. Regional answers on global challenges along the Danube and its tributaries,
  3. Sustainable use of natural and cultural resources in Danube Basin,
  4. Trans-boundary cooperation in the Middle
  5. Danube region,
  6. World Rivers Day: What we should learn from the experiences in sustainable use of rivers around the world.

We would like to thank to all who participated in the work of the Conference.

Sponsors of the Conference:

  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water-Management, Directory for Water
  • Saobraćajni institut CIP
  • Hotel Union, Beograd
  • Public Enterprise “Srbija Vode”
  • Institute for Water Management “Jaroslav Černi”
  • CCCE – Centar za Kontrolu i Ispitivanje, Beograd
  • Hemel, Jagodina
  • NIK doo, Beograd
  • Members of ISF “DRC” with their volunteer work and membership fee

Conference Documents: Final Document of the 20th Conference (GoogleDocs)
