Third International Scientific Conference “Danube – River of Cooperation”

The Third International Scientific Conference “Danube – River of Cooperation” was held in Belgrade, on September 20 and 21, 1991.

Declaration adopted at the Conference

We, the participants of the Third International Conference “Danube – River of Cooperation”, organized by the Center for Neighboring Countries and Regional Cooperation of the Institute of International Politics and Economics, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, considering three principal fields of cooperation (economics, ecology and culture) came to the conclusion that:

The present stage of European development requires the search of new ways of cooperation on all European and regional levels. Over the passed period – more than four decades – the significance of the Danube as a transport artery has considerably increased. But undoubtable achievements do not remove the issue of a corresponding level of cooperation to the present-day demands and prospects. The efforts of the Danubian countries for the development of the regional cooperation are urgently needed.

The enlargement of Danube states cooperation requires practical interaction with other existing regional components. Therefore we recommend a closer cooperation between the International Scientific Conference “Danube – River of Cooperation” and the “Working Community of the Regions along the Danube”, the “Hexagonal”, and the cooperation in the Balkans, the Mediterranean, and the Black Sea. This would assist the weakening of existing political, inter-ethnic and other tensions within the region, which still hinder the development of all forms of cooperation.

We ask for immediate steps in financial and technical support of the short, medium and long term programmes specially with respect to the economic, social, environmental and financial sustainable development of the eastern and central Danubean countries in transition to the market economy.

In this difficult period, the Conference supports all efforts to provide the essential human needs of food, shelter, clothing, warmth and work to the peoples of the region, as well as the protection of all human rights.

In the field of economic development and tourism the Conference supports:

  • continual cooperation and a coordinated approach to development through existing and new organizations recognizing the new shape of Europe;
  • the modernization and development of the region’s economy through a combination of internal reforms and external investments in order to harness the untapped natural and human resources of the Danube countries;
  • the improvement and creation of new infrastructures and communication links between the Danube countries and the removal of remaining obstacles to the movement of goods and people;
  • the protection and promotion of sustainable development and trade along the Danube utilizing the opportunities created by the Rhine-Main link to support the economic integration from the Black to the North Sea;
  • that economic development should be based upon the principle of accordance with environmental and cultural terms.

The economic development and future wealth of the Danube basin countries depends vitally upon the creation of a secure and stable environment.The ecology group of the International Scientific Conference “Danube – River of Cooperation” – recognized that many successful activities are already going on. Therefore, it decided:

First, to make a collection of the relevant ongoing programmes of a number of national non-governmental and international organizations and the connection with them in accordance with their importance.

Second, to ensure the cooperation of selected projects with cultural, historical and socio-economic activities.

Third, to set up a data base, to evaluate the available scientific potential, and to standardize as much as possible the methodology in each of the ecology disciplines.

Fourth, to take immediate steps for ecology education on all levels – such as: “Danube Seminars” on vessels sponsored by industries and governments.

Fifth, the group stressed the importance of the ecological dynamics within the watershed since at least 150 years, its present status quo and the top importance of all efforts concerning the protection and improvement of the environment including the work on conventions, other environmental legal documents and institutional arrangements needed for better cooperation in this field. The need for all-Danubian cooperation programmes (as the “Green Danube”) as well as the importance of sustainable economic growth and development was also emphasized.

Pointing out the fact that the cooperation until now has not been coordinated sufficiently, the Conference approves the initiative of the lord mayors of the Danubian cities that the Center for the protection of the environment in the Danubian region should be established in Belgrade.

At the Conference the term “culture” is regarded in its broad sense and the reports and contributions made during the discussions confirmed this.

We believe that we need a general plan of research in the field of culture on multilateral basis and a concrete plan of action. Possible areas of such a cultural cooperation are: joint studies of arts (music, literature, architecture etc.); folklore, ethnology, cultural heritage; cultural policies; exchange of information, ideas and persons; organizing of exhibitions, festivals, etc., with special view to young people, and proposals for the building-up of qualified professionals in the field of culture.

The participants are aware of the fact that various forms of fruitful cooperation in the field of culture in the Danubian region already exist, and that they have proved their usefulness. A good example of joint action of the Danubian countries could be the “Blue Danube Project” of UNESCO, as all countries of the Danubian region are member-states of UNESCO. Its study will not only need close cooperation of the relevant countries but hopefully also attract other countries, both developing and industrial ones, which may contribute to this paradigmatic analysis.

The participants pointed out also the existence of special circumstances in this region. But just in such a situation the needs of contacts in the field of culture are perhaps more necessary and they can be of help to bridge-over the actual crises. The necessity of a better and more modern exchange of information in the field of culture was also emphasized.

The Third International Conference “Danube – River of Cooperation” has proved that such conferences are useful forums for exchange of ideas, information, opinions and research results between representatives of the Danubian countries.
