Danube – Integrating the Region

The Thirteenth International Scientific Conference “Danube – River of Cooperation” took place on October 18 – 20, 2002, in Kladovo.

The basic theme of the conference was the cross-border co-operation of Yugoslavia, Romania and Bulgaria in the field of planned exploitation of the river Danube in accordance with the EU standards of sustainable development, co-operation and peaceful co-existence of the people in the region of Southeast Europe.

Other themes at the conference were the economic relations, plans for development of the navigation route with the presentation of relevant projects, the internal organisation of the Euro-region, finance and investment activities. In the framework of the conference a regular meeting of the SECI Working Group on Danube Transport was held.

We organized the conference in cooperation with the Institute of International Politics and Economics. The main donor of the confernece was the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Other supporting institutions and organisations: the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the FRY, the Federal Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations of the FRY, the Embassies of Romania and Bulgaria in FRY, the OESCE, the Hydro-energetic and Navigation System “Đerdap”, the Institute for Development of Water Resources “Jaroslav Černi”, Center for South Eastern European Studies, and others.

At the Conference 199 participants registered, 61 international and 138 domestic citizens. Among international participants from Rumania were 31, from Bulgaria 12, from Hungary 5, from Austria 4, from Bosnia and Herzegovina 4, and one from each Italy, Germany, Russia, USA and Turkey.

The basic aims of the XIII Conference were:

  1. Declaration supporting all kinds of cross-border co-operation, especially of Euro-region, to be signed by the foreign ministers of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Romania and Bulgaria.
  2. Evaluation of relevant projects for the development of the region and Corridor VII (for example, projects on infrastructure development, navigation, tourism, technical and financial infrastructure, etc…)
  3. Presentation and identification of pilot projects on local level along the Danube, relevant for the region.

Program of the Conference

October 17, Thursday – Belgrade, organised transportation to Kladovo

October 18, Friday – Kladovo:

09,00 – 09,30  OPENING CEREMONY
President of Municipality of Kladovo, Zoran Nenadović
Representatives of Ministries of Foreign Affairs of FRY, Bulgaria and Romania
President of International Scientific Forum “Danube – River of Cooperation”, Edita Stojić Karanović
Representative of SECI, Branislava Stankov

Introduction and report on project status
Co president of the workgroup, Katarina Vukadinović

Presentation of organisations working on Danube (fields and method of work)
Co president of workgroup, Otto Schwetz (International relations office of the city of Vienna)

Constitution of work subgroups (transport logistic, rehabilitation and modernisation of ports and the system of inland waterways, tourism)
Branislava Stankov

Defining the program of the work subgroups
Otto Schwetz, Dejan Radojčić (director of the Danube project centre) and Zoran Novaković (director of the Tourist organisation of Belgrade)

Presentation of the Business conference of the Danube co-operation process
Ivo Stanek

Presentation of international financial institutions and programs relevant to the projects of the work group
Marina Holotkov (UNIDO Centre, Trieste)

Katarina Vukadinović

13,00 – 15,00  LUNCH
15,00 – 17,30  Danube – Integrating the Region

The role of the region in the future development of EU
Nikola Lukić (vice director, Head office for EU, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

INTERREG – EU program for stimulating the cross border co-operation
Representative of EC                       

Regional initiatives in Southeast Europe – a frame for cross border co-operation
Jelica Minić (assistant of minister, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Cross border co-operation in central and east Europe
Dusko Radosavljević (Executive council of Vojvodina)

Economic Development of FRY, Rumania and Bulgaria and the Possibilities of Improvement in their Economic Co-operation
Predrag Bjelić, MSc. (Institute of International Politics and Economics)

The Revision of the Danube Convention – Consequences for the Improvement of Navigation on the Danube
Representative of the Danube Commission

Legal Aspects of Water Management in the Danube Basin
Dr Slavko Bogdanović (Expert in Law of Water Management)

Sustainable economic development of the Danube-region and the International Regulation in this Field
Dr Vid Vukasović (Institute of International Politics and Economics)

Regional Co-operation in Monitoring the Danube and its Tributaries upstream and downstream from the HE Plant “Djerdap I”
Milan Dimkić, MSc. (director of the Institute for development of water resources “Jaroslav Černi”)

Regional Significance of the Development and Modernisation of the Hydro-energetic System “Đerdap”
Dragan Stanković (director of the production of the hydro-electrical energy “Đerdap”)

Euro-regions in Southeast Europe
The Team of the Institute of International Politics and Economics (Dr. Edita Stojić-Karanović, Sanja Jelisavac, Mina Zirojević)
Dr Ivan Cenov, President of the Euro-region Danube 21
President of the Euro-region Nis – Sofija – Skoplje

The Role of the NGO-s in Developing Cross-border Cooperation
Aleksandar Popov (Centre for Regionalism, Novi Sad)
Milan Milosević (European Movement, Smederevska Palanka)

The European Model of Local Self-government and the Role of the Steady Conferences of the Cities in the Development
Mijat Damjanović (Director of the PALGO Centre)

Models and Experiences of Cross-border Cooperation of the Local Self-Governments
Representative of FRY
Representative of Bulgaria
Representative of Rumania  

21,00 – 23,00  CULTURAL EVENT


October 19, Saturday – Kladovo

10,00 – 13,00 Overview the Projects Significant for the Development of the Danube-region – in Transportation, Development of Multimodal Transport, Tourism
Dejan Radojčić, Krsta Pasković, Zoran Novaković and the representatives of Vienna Municipality  The Significance of Infrastructural Development
Representative of H.E. Plant Đerdap
Representative of Port of Turn Severin

Resume of the Conference plenary sessions
Edita Stojić Karanović

13,00 – 15,00  LUNCH
18,00 – 21,00  Round Table “Sustainable Use of Natural Resources”
(Members of the Ecology Section of the ISF “DRC” and Guests)