Culture-Park Heritage in the Serbian Danube Region (Abstract)


Author: Prof. Dr Sci Velimir Lj. Ćerimović, University Union Nikola Tesla, The Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade, The First Institute of Landscape and Architectural and Urban construction of Serbia,

(full article available in Serbian)

The 20th and 21st century of Serbia contains no written records regarding the existence, typology and development of Serbian culture-park heritage. Even less is known about the garden-park, landscape-architectural construction, creation, culture and art.

Also, although it cannot be said for the Serbian culture-park heritage to be endowed with quality and quantity, it can certainly be concluded that some of its parts, for example the Serbian Danube region, are still unexplored and unknown. It shows that the culture-park heritage is not adequately presented in various publications, tourist guides as well as in city planning documents.

The current situation is a direct result of the apparent lack of knowledge about garden or park construction, creation, culture, art and culture-park heritage in Serbia. It is also not unusual having some authors saying that garden or park art in the southeast Europe does not possess any typical style characteristics, long-lasting tradition features as well as construction-urban continuity, which leads to the lack of tourist attraction, creation, cultural and construction significance.

This is the result of inadequate legal regulations after the World War II, which led to the degradation of culture-park heritage in the Serbian Danube region as well as its surroundings. However, the unfavourable situation was also provoked by inadequate university education, since it regards the designed, planned and built facilities of garden-park heritage, creation, culture, art and culture-park heritage to be natural creation and achievement.

During the last decades a two dimensional degradation has been carried out, through unsustainable 2D education, 2D regulation and 2D urban design documents. In that way, a quasy-professional way, garden-park shaped, formed and built physical structures and artefacts of urban environmental landscape and cultural park heritage have been neglected, and landscape architecture has been regarded as horticulture.

All the above mentioned facts and reasons have affected the cultural-park heritage in the Serbian Danube regions and as a result that regions remained unexplored and forgotten, in comparison to other construction cultural heritage. This is the reason why the history of the Serbian garden or park architecture as well as the evaluation of its construction-urban achievements have been degraded and marginalized, in spite of the fact that these are inseparable and valuable parts of the European and world garden-park construction, creation, culture and art.


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