
danubius za regionalnu saradnju u regionu Dunava for cooperation in the Danube region

Cover of the old, out-of-print Danubius – Korice starog štampanog Danubiusa

Glasilo Danubius je krajem osamdesetih i početkom devedesetih godina izdavao Centar za susedne zemlje, sa radovima prezentiranim na prvim konferencijama „Dunav – reka saradnje”. Njegovo izlaženje je prekinuto ukidanjem Centra zbog njegovog tada „nepodobnog” zalaganja za prekid ratnih dejstava na teritoriji bivših jugoslovenskih republika, a posebno zbog publikovanja Apela za mir, maja 1992.godine.

Međunarodni naučni forum “Dunav – reka saradnje” je obnovio publikovanje Danubiusa 2000. godine, međutim, njegovo štampanje konstantno nailazi na teškoće finansijske prirode, te je doneta odluka da se Danubius objavljuje u elektronskom vidu, što omogućuje i neposrednu komunikaciju sa čitaocima.

Novi, elektronski, Danubius objavljuje izvode iz studija, projektnih materijala i drugih radova prezentiranih na konferencijama “Dunav -reka saradnje”, kao i druge aktuelnosti vezane za Dunav, sliv Dunava, Dunavsku strategiju, i aktivnosti Foruma.

The Danubius journal was published from the late 1980s by the Centre for Neighbouring Countries, with papers presented on the first conferences “Danube – River of Cooperation”. The publication stopped when the Centre was dismantled in 1992, after issuing the “Appeal for Peace”, for termination of all military actions between the former Yugoslav republics – in a time when such position was politically “inappropriate”.

The publication of Danubius was resumed by the International Scientific Forum “Danube – River of Cooperation” in 2000, but constantly faced financial problems caused by high costs of printing in Serbia. So, the magazine is rebirthing once again, this time on-line. This also facilitates a more direct contact with the readership.

The new, electronic, Danubius is publishing study and project summaries, as well as editorials and news on current issues about Danube, the Danube region, Danube Strategy and information on activities of the International Scientific Forum “Danube – River of Cooperation”


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