Genetically modified crops safety assessments: present limits and possible improvements

The public hearing on the influences of genetically modified organisms (transgens) on the environment and health, is due on November 13th 2012 in the Serbian Parliament (before the Committee for Protection of the Environment of the Serbian). In light of this event, and the heated debate in the Serbian public, we are republishing this article
(Séralini et al.: Genetically modified crops safety assessments: present limits and possible improvements. Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:10.)

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CEEweb’s recommendations on climate change – Agriculture

bale sena

Agriculture is multifunctional: yield is just one piece of the agricultural system’s outputs. There are several other direct products such as fibres and compost, but also services such as maintaining soil biodiversity, water supply and carbon sequestration, many of which are critically important for long-term sustainability. There are several possibilities in agricultural management to enhance the efficiency of these services at marginal costs, provided that the right management techniques are recognized and implemented. Yet yield receives unbalanced big priority in today’s agriculture allowing intensive techniques to maximize production, while soil biodiversity is not considered to be a productive factor.

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