Genetically modified crops safety assessments: present limits and possible improvements

The public hearing on the influences of genetically modified organisms (transgens) on the environment and health, is due on November 13th 2012 in the Serbian Parliament (before the Committee for Protection of the Environment of the Serbian). In light of this event, and the heated debate in the Serbian public, we are republishing this article
(Séralini et al.: Genetically modified crops safety assessments: present limits and possible improvements. Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:10.)

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Role of CSOs to support regional initiatives in implementation of EU directives in the Danube Region and Western Balkan countries

pregled proizvodnje, uvoza i izvoza azbesta u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana

Number of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the Western Balkans is growing rapidly year by year. Civil society is vital pillar in a general shift towards more transparent and accountable society. Progressive policies indispensably involve civic participation as essential element for creation of sustainable local environment. Cooperation between national governments (or their institutions and agencies) and civil society is growing year by year. It is projected that cooperation will strengthen in the future in areas addressing environmental priorities indicating challenges and improvements in fields such as energy efficiency, waste management, climate change, sustainable transportation, water protection, food safety, sustainable consumption, public health. Social entrepreneurship and green economy is on the agenda of many CSOs in South-East Europe as a high priority for possible path in economic empowerment.

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