Author: Sándor Götz, President of the “Duna Express” Consortium
The navigational and transport use of Danube and its tributaries – in the European context on economic cooperation, cultural and tourist navigation has currently little benefits compared to optimally achievable. Having that in mind the regional project named “Shipping on the Waters of SEE Region Over-bridging the Borders” is proposed.
The need of the proposed development is supported by a number of important international and national documents, as are the European Parliament Committee on Transport and Tourism, Key findings of DONAUREGIONEN EU Project, the European Commission’s planned EU Marco Polo Program, etc.
Parallel with the EU development intentions, people living in the border regions of Hungary – Romania – Serbia – Croatia, have also identified their national contributions to the European Strategy for Danube Region which contains project proposals of waterway development and water transport development, which may contribute to the implementation of proposed commuter shipping in the South East European region’s key cities network for ensure better access and greater mobility. So, in Romania it is needed waterway development proper to UNECE IV classification to ensure improved navigability of the Bega canal, in Serbia integrated management of Bačka and Banat waterway system (Danube-Tisa-Danube Canal and tributaries). Revitalization DTD channel Becej-Bogojevo proper to UNECE IV and development of the new ship lock at Novi Bečej dam on the river Tisa is needed.
The partners in this project are aiming to work-out a Feasibility Study for the future development of shipping on the waters of the above-mentioned rivers and canals according to EU-20/20/20 intentions, and supporting the rural-city connections, preparing the sustainable development of the regional area.
The task package contains the following issues to solve:
- What connections have to be established for time-table shipping with CNG/LNG propulsion,
- Where are needed new ports to plant or development with standardised port execution,
- Where are needed informatics waterway on-line supervision, and with what kind of functions,
- System engineering to work-out for designing this informatics,
- Water Rescue System Organization to stand-up, as internationally operated on the waterway system of the area.
- To develop by RDI work the suitable utilisation of CNG/LNG filling method of small rural and city port applications.