The Review of the Environmental, Economic and Security Capacity of the River Danube


Assistant professor Marijana Dukić Mijatović, Ph.D;
Associate professor Željko Bjelajac, Ph.D;
Assistant professor Ivan Joksić, Ph.D

English Summary of the previous articles in Serbian

It is known that the Danube River is the backbone of economic development and intergovernmental cooperation of the Danube countries. In the field of environmental protection the Danube can be identified leading factor in the part relating to the planning and development of adequate environmental concept. In doing so, one should not overlook the overall importance of the Danube and in other areas, such as socio-economic, cultural, political development and improvement of general cooperation among the Danube countries. Not rare ones who treat the Danube River and the factor of development in other areas of intergovernmental cooperation of the entire Danube region. Particular importance is evident of the Danube and through the development of relevant policy documents, such as the European Union Strategy for the Danube region and the accompanying instruments in this field.

The authors of this paper indicate the uniqueness and specificity of the Danube River provides all the countries of the Danube region. The need to raise the level and quality of cooperation among all countries in the Danube region within the European Union with a special focus on Serbia. At the same time, the paper presents the analysis of current issues contained in the policy documents and proposals are given in terms of further improving the institutional capacity within the European Union.


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