Author: professor Sefedin Šehović, PhD, Faculty of Teacher Education, Belgrade
of the full article in Serbian
The environment is currently under the influence of destructive energy, dated and faulty technology, uncontrolled traffic, arms race, military actions, acts of sabotage and terrorism and other harmful influences that noticably disturb natural balance and harm the natural environment. All that imposes the need for continuous education and upbringing in order to protect the environment. In this paper there is the survey of the place of ecology in our education, from the compulsory to university education. The school subjects with ecology contents are mentioned. Since ecology is not a special subject in compulsory education there is the review of the school subjects and activities in which the ecological contents are studied. The school subjects in high school education with ecological contents are reviewed according to areas of work and specific educational profiles. The review of university education where ecology has a significant place is also given.
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