Problem of Floating Debris in the Danube and Tamiš Rivers: Area of Pančevo


This paper presents an analysis of floating debris in the rivers in the area of the city of Pancevo and suggests solutions for their collection and treatment. The components of debris are defined to be similar to the municipal waste and consist of: plastic bags, bottles and glasses, tires, dead branches and tree trunks, aluminum waste, mud, etc. Appearance of debris is connected with rain storms and flood. It is accumulated in a coves and river banks and sometime forms “islands” around ships, boats and gates. Floating debris cause pollution of water and coast and disturb nautical traffic, water sports, and flora and fauna.

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Environmental Impact Assessment and European Community Law

Jezero Bled

Environmental law is a new, rapidly evolving, and increasingly important area of jurisprudence. Although various industrialising countries introduced environmental controls in the nineteenth century, environmental law only began to emerge as a discrete subject in the late nineteen-sixties. In North America and Europe, early environmental law tended to follow the traditional “command and control” approach. This form of regulation is sometimes said to be “top-down”. It is based on a state-centred vision of environmental protection. A government will typically establish performance standards for polluters and allow them to buy licences. Polluters who fail to comply with the conditions specified in their licences may be prosecuted or face civil actions.

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The Potential of Banking Sector, Commertial Banks and Financial Markets in Better Economic Connection of Countries in Danube Region (Abstract)

one euro coin, jedan evro

The field of economic and financial relations with foreign countries is the most important limiting factor for growth and development of our economy, and causes of aggravation are results of both factors, international and domestic.

Positive changes are needed in areas of society and economy, in inflows of foreign investments, export growth, export encouragement, regulation of relations with international financial institutions and joint projects with foreign partners.

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