Doctrine – Accept Waste Water, Purify and Use It (APU) (Abstract)


Possible problem solution of waste water in small settlements and development of sewage system

Author: Rade Milutinović, B.Sc. Civil Eng. director of “Hidrobiro” AD Novi Sad, Member of the Serbian Academy of Inventors and Scientists

If there is no drinking water – there is no settlement. If there is settlement, there is waste water. Waste water is a constant companion of settlements. In our country, cities and most of larger settlements have already built sewage systems, but many of them have no water purification plant. Waste water is the cause of serious environment pollution, especially the pollution of surface water as well as underground water. The situation is bad with tendency of worsening.

Technical waste water purifiers must be built in all cities and larger settlements. There is no funds at the moment for such a challenging work. Technical water purifiers are needed in cities as well as in small settlements. There are going to be build one day, maybe 2 or 3 decades from now. But, what until then?

Doctrine APU is conceived as the solution for small settlements. It reduces the time of problem solving and avoids planty of problems with the presently common way of problem solving. It frees the communities of small settlements from the need to build technical water purifiers. It gives opportunity to make profit with waste water as a reasurce, without endangering environment. There are 290 small settlements with population up to 3000 in Vojvodina. That is 61.2% of total 474 cities and settlements. In those settlements lives 414.443 inhabitants, what is 21.6% of all inhabitants in Vojvodina. There are 3 to 4 times more of these settlements in Serbia, south from Sava and Danube.


  • Excessive waste water in septic tanks = Waste water excess in septic tanks = Unabsorbed i.e. non-infiltrated amount of waist water from septic tank to underground
  • Under term “small settlements” is considered settlement up to 3000 inhabitants. According to census in Vojvodina of year 2011 there are 290 settlements of this kind.
  • Apprehension of doctrine: Doctrine (from Latin: doctrina) system of learning, something that is collective learning, certain principals, positions or politics advocated and thought.
  • Doctrine APU is related for waste water of small settlements and it means: Accept waste water, Purify and Use it.

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