Author: MSc Biljana Savić, Senior Associate, Main bank of RS, Central bank of B&H, e-mail:
this is part 3 of the series Regional Cooperation within the Sava Commission for Sustainable Development of B&H; see Part 1, Part 2
The population of the Sava River Basin is approximated at 8.176.000, which is 46% of the total population of all countries. The population of the Sava River Basin in Bosnia and Herzegovina is 75% of total population in that country, in Slovenia 61%, in Croatia 50% and in Republic of Serbia 25%. There are 2 379.000 employed people in the Sava River Basin, which represents 29% of all inhabitants in the Sava River Basin and 45% of all employed people in the countries (see table bellow).
Country |
Population |
Employees |
whole country |
Sava River Basin |
Share (%) |
whole country |
Sava River Basin |
Share (%) |
Slovenia |
2.003 |
1.230 |
61 |
921 |
593 |
64 |
Croatia |
4.442 |
2.210 |
50 |
1.496 |
781 |
52 |
Bosnia and Hercegovina |
3.843 |
2.882 |
75 |
811 |
608 |
75 |
Serbia |
7.441 |
1.854 |
25 |
2.069 |
397 |
19 |
Total |
17.729 |
8.176 |
46 |
5.297 |
2.379 |
45 |
Source: ISRBC, The Sava River Basin Analysis – Summary, December 2010, p. 27

Figure 3. Number of employees in the Sava River Basin by sector and country (in 1,000s); Source: ISRBC, The Sava River Basin Analysis – Summary, December 2010, p. 27.
In the Sava River Basin 31% of all employed people work in the other activities sector such as: construction, wholesale and retail trade, hotels, restaurants, transport, storage and communication, financial intermediation, real estate, renting and business activities; 27% work in the industry sector, 29 % work in the public sector, 12% work in the agriculture and 1% work in the energy sector. ((International Sava River Basin Commission, „The Sava River Basin Analysis – Summary“, December 2010., p 26)) According to the Labor Force Survey in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the structure of employees by activity in 2011 shows that 51,5 % were employed in services, 28,9% in non-agricultural sectors (industries), and 19,6% in agriculture. The number of unemployed persons in 2011 was 310.947. The percentage of unemployed in 2011 compared with 2010 increased by 0,4% and thus the unemployment rate in 2011 was 27, 6%. The highest unemployment rate of 39,0% was in Brčko District, than in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was 29,2%, and the lowest unemployment rate of 24,5% was in Republika Srpska. ((Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulletin 2/2011, Sarajevo , August 2011. p. 46.))
The total gross value added (GVA) of the Sava River Basin is 40.039 milion euros. The contribution of the economic sectors to the GVA is following: the other activities sector 51%, the industry 22%, the public sector 17%, the agriculture 6% and the energy sectors 4%. The gross domestic product (GDP) in the Sava River Basin represents 53% of the GDP of all countries.
GDP and GDP per capita in the Sava River Basin
Country |
GDP(milion EUR) |
GDP per capita (EUR/ capita) |
whole country |
Sava River Basin |
Share (%) |
whole country |
Sava River Basin |
Slovenia |
28.704 |
19.331 |
67 |
14.328 |
15.771 |
Croatia |
31.255 |
17.212 |
55 |
7036 |
7.788 |
Bosnia and Hercegovina |
8.654 |
6490 |
75 |
2.252 |
2.252 |
Serbia |
20.358 |
3.913 |
19 |
2.736 |
2.110 |
Total |
88.971 |
46.946 |
53 |
5.018 |
5.742 |
Source: ISRBC, The Sava River Basin Analysis – Summary, December 2010, p. 27
Next week on the most recent developments in the Sava river basin cooperation …
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