This work included the move of the river Velika Morava, from the Danube to the connection of West and South Morava, then the flow of South Morava, from the compound to Grdelica. (Abstract)
Continue readingThis work included the move of the river Velika Morava, from the Danube to the connection of West and South Morava, then the flow of South Morava, from the compound to Grdelica. (Abstract)
Continue readingU ovom radu biće prezentirani osnovni hidrološki i hidromorfološki parametri reke Morave neophodni za potrebe projektovanje plovnog puta. Merodavni hidro-morfološki parametri: dubine, širine toka i srednje brzine; su rezultat hidrauličkih proračuna linija nivoa vodnog ogledala za određene merodavne proticaja malih, srednjih i velikih voda, izvršenih u Institutu za vodoprivredu “Jaroslav Černi”.
Continue readingThe waterway Danube-Morava-Vardar-Aegean Sea is multifunctional project of high importance for the Republic of Serbia since the basin of the river Morava covers a significant part of the territory, including its largest cities, main corridors, population, agricultural land etc. Regulation of the river Morava and its tributaries by constructing the flood protection system, irrigation system, using their waters for water supply for surrounding cities and industries, exploitation of hydro energetic potential etc. would bring a lot of benefits to the development of whole Republic.
Continue readingИзградња пловног пута Дунав-Морава-Вардар-Егејско море је мултифункционалан пројекат од великог значаја за Републику Србију, имајући у виду да слив реке Велике Мораве обухвата значај део територије, укључујући највеће градове, главне коридоре, становништво, пољопривредно земљиште итд. Уређење Велике Мораве и њених притока, које би се постигло изградњом система за одбрану од поплава, система за наводњавање, коришћењем воде за водоснабдевање градова и индустрије, експлоатацијом хидро-енергетског потенција итд. значајно би утицало на развој читаве Републике.
Continue readingIn the neighbourhood of the Black Sea – North Sea navigation waterway a very important industrial activity has developed, of high influence on national gross product (NGP) of the respective countries. The risk of nature degradation is included in the polluting factors which result from the main categories of the social activity: material production (organic and inorganic wastes, chemical ashes, scrap iron, damaged grounds, deforestation etc.), energy production (carbon dioxide, carbon oxide, sulphur dioxide, ashes, radio-active wastes etc.), consumption (dust, worn waters, garbage etc.). In order to express the wastes quantity due to the economical activity in a certain national economy or in a certain economic-social area, the input-output model can be used when considering “m” branches of goods production and (n-m) wastes generated by these branches (n m).
Continue readingThe idea of connecting the river Danube with the Aegean Sea by a navigable route via the rivers Morava and Vardar (Axios) dates back to the last century. It is based on the geographical-topographical characteristics and suitability of the terrain. Natural location of the Morava and Vardar river beds and possibility of connecting them on a short section between the rivers Južna Morava and Pčinje affords extraordinary possibilities to materialize a navigable route from the Danube up to Thessalonike in the Aegean Sea.
Continue readingThe navigational and transport use of Danube and its tributaries – in the European context on economic cooperation, cultural and tourist navigation has currently little benefits compared to optimally achievable. Having that in mind the regional project named “Shipping on the Waters of SEE Region Over-bridging the Borders” is proposed.
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