The Green Economy and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Best practices for the Danube Region

Author: Robert C. Brears, author of The Green Economy and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Editorial Notes: The 28th International Scientific Conference “Danube – River of Cooperation” under the title “CULTURE ON THE RIVER BANKS” marking also the EUROPEAN HERITAGE DAYS and … Continue reading

Urban water security: Lessons for the Danube region

Water security, according to the United Nations, is the capacity of a population to safeguard sustainable access to adequate quantities of acceptable quality water for sustaining livelihoods, human well-being and socio-economic development; ensuring protection against water-borne pollution and water-related disasters; and for preserving ecosystems in a climate of peace and political stability. In other words, water security is the ability of a population to access good quality water of suf­ficient quantity necessary for sustaining livelihoods, human well-being and socio-economic development. In the context of cities, urban water security is the ability of an urban population to safeguard sustainable access to adequate supplies of good quality water.

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The Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region as an Indicator of the Macroregional Concept of the European Union (Abstract)

Author: MSc Biljana Savić, Independent Researcher, Member of the International Scientific Forum „Danube – River of Cooperation“; Senior Expert Associate in Main Bank of Republika Srpska,  Central Bank of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Editorial notes: One of the research areas … Continue reading

Economic Diplomacy for the Enhancement of Macro-Regional Cooperation Forms in Europe – with special focus on the EU strategy for the Danube Region

Economic diplomacy is the art of serving economic security and strategic interests of the country. Having in mind that the most important interest is assuring complex development for the wellbeing of all citizens of the country – mutual sustainable use of mutual natural resources of a macro-region gives very important opportunity for achieving that goal for all cooperating countries. The sustainable use of common natural resources requires economic diplomacy between the respective countries, both bilateral and multilateral. Very promising multilateral economic diplomacy started with the EU Strategy for the Danube Region (EUSDR).

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Techniques of Safety and Environmental Risk and Reliability Modelling for Sustainable Inland Water Transportation System

Langat vessel particulars

Occurrence of Inland water transportation collision event exposes vessel owners and operators, as well as the public to risk. The nature of the threat can be worrisome; it may lead to loss of life, damage to the environment, disruption of operation and injuries. This makes hybrid analysis of accident frequency and consequence for risk quantification of accident scenarios through stochastic tools very imperative for reliable design and exercise of technocrat stewardship of safety and safeguard of the environmental. This paper present technique of modelling prediction of collision risk and mitigation option for aversion of collision incident. The paper discuss accident frequency and consequence estimation probability modelling to determine require matching size of vessels and waterways and other parameters. The paper also discuss the use of reliability tools to check the predicted data.

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Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural and Cultural Heritage in the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia (Abstract)

A brief overview from the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia (SPRS) from 2010 to 2020. The importance and necessity is continuous monitoring of established objectives and strategic priorities for the protection and sustainable use of heritage through the programs of implementation and system of defined indicators, as well as through the development and use of information system for planning and development.

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Beginnings of the Meteorological Observations in Serbia

Meteorological Observations in Serbia started with Vladimir Jakšić (1824-1899), professor at Lyceum. He was the first statistician, meteorologist and climatologist who started the history of weather observations in Serbia. In January 1848 he began regular measurements of temperature, humidity, rain, wind speed and air pressure in his home in Senjak, Belgrade. In the next years his example was followed in other towns of the country, so that by the end of 1856 a network of well-organized meteorological stations became operative in 20 towns around Serbia.

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Employing Sacral Architecture as a Strategic Political Tool

Church of Holy Trinity on mount Rumija

Sacral architecture can be a powerful political tool. If we consider the architecture of pro-ethnocentricity – that is to say architecture ‘for‘ – it is: big, remarkable, breathtaking, and visible from everywhere for everybody. On the other hand, architecture of anti-multiethnicity, or architecture ‘against‘ – is rather small, allowing it to pass unnoticed.

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Doctrine – Accept Waste Water, Purify and Use It (APU) (Abstract)

Mehanicka automatska resetka

If there is no drinking water – there is no settlement. If there is settlement, there is waste water. Waste water is a constant companion of settlements. In our country, cities and most of larger settlements have already built sewage systems, but many of them have no water purification plant. Waste water is the cause of serious environment pollution, especially the pollution of surface water as well as underground water. The situation is bad with tendency of worsening. Technical waste water purifiers must be built in all cities and larger settlements. There is no funds at the moment for such a challenging work. Technical water purifiers are needed in cities as well as in small settlements. There are going to be build one day, maybe 2 or 3 decades from now. But, what until then?

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