Privatization in “Private” Serbia

Period in Serbia before the transition process (war, crisis, sanctions) was not in favour of proves of privatization. All mentioned events have lowered the rating of Serbia for potential investors. This reduced the “profitability” of the state and society that gained during the process of privatization. Such political climate at the start cancelled comparative advantage of Serbia considering other countries in transition.
Insight into the process of privatization and benefit from the privatization process had only politicians, “large shareholders” and other “stakeholders of Serbia company”. Most of “regular” workers, as if they never have worked and invested in these state-owned enterprises, have become unusable resources without a long-term and sustainable plan for their employment after privatization process. An environment in which the citizens awareness that each state-owned enterprises is partially theirs is annulled, has led to their complete passivity. It is possible to conclude that the biggest profiteers of privatization are: those who had access to “fresh” information, those who had the money and knew people at the source of information and foreign companies that have taken advantage of political and economic situation, and at relatively low prices attain enterprises and attractive locations.

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Culture-Park Heritage in the Serbian Danube Region (Abstract)

The 20th and 21st century of Serbia contains no written records regarding the existence, typology and development of Serbian culture-park heritage. Even less is known about the garden-park, landscape-architectural construction, creation, culture and art.

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View of hydrological and hydro-morphological parametars of the Morava River from the aspect of navigation (Abstract)

This work included the move of the river Velika Morava, from the Danube to the connection of West and South Morava, then the flow of South Morava, from the compound to Grdelica. (Abstract)

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The Project to Construct the Danube-Morava-Vardar-Aegean Canal (Abstract)

The waterway Danube-Morava-Vardar-Aegean Sea is multifunctional project of high importance for the Republic of Serbia since the basin of the river Morava covers a significant part of the territory, including its largest cities, main corridors, population, agricultural land etc. Regulation of the river Morava and its tributaries by constructing the flood protection system, irrigation system, using their waters for water supply for surrounding cities and industries, exploitation of hydro energetic potential etc. would bring a lot of benefits to the development of whole Republic.

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Contemporary Inter–Religious Cooperation in the Danube–Balkan Region

Inter–religious cooperation considers common religious efforts and activities in solving various interdisciplinary problems. It is possible at least to indicate its theological, social, political and anthropological aspect. Theoretically and methodologically the concept is generally based on “unity of diversity” formula as an civilizational objective. One of the starting premises is to enrich dominant secular goals and approaches of the EU and states through promotion equal status of religious communities within civil society, despite strong presence and influence of states.

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The New Concept of Eco-Bioeconomy in the Elaboration of Strategies for Safety Food and Defence Food

Animal genetics industry represents one of the ways in which food can be ensured in the future. The local animal breeds have a key role in this industry and they are the main advantage in the competition with the transnational corporations in this domain. In Romania there is an urgent need for this type of industry to be created in order to reduce the import of highly economically competitive animals. On the other hand, it is important that the local animal breeds be preserved since they are part of Romania’s Zoogenetic Patrimony. Genetic variability is the key to the implementation of performant technologies in the animal production. Within this strategy of „Safety food” a new concept appears, that of Eco-bioeconomy, proposed by academic Alexandru T. Bogdan by which he wants to prove the economic force of Romania’s agriculture, the so-called „Romanian Green Power”. Besides the „safety food” term (meaning the assurance of qualitative and quantitative food for the population), another strategy has to be thought of because of the new dangers that can appear (especially the terrorism) and this is „Defence Food”. This strategy has been applied only partially in Romania up until now. Food Security, Defence Food and Safety Food are new concepts that have a great impact in Eco-bio-economy by ensuring the population with qualitative and quantitative food and by raising the level of economic competitiveness in Banat region.

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Examining scale of quality of public service delivery: addressing water and sewerage, communal hygiene, local streets and lighting infrastructure

In this paper we discuss results of public opinion obtained for five municipal services: water and sewarage, communal hygiene, maintenance of streets and roads, street (public) lighting. Paper contains information collected through the survey „Examining the quality of public services“ in BiH. It applied “Improving local public services (PULS)” methodology during examination in 645 households of Srebrenik municipality.

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Genetically modified crops safety assessments: present limits and possible improvements

The public hearing on the influences of genetically modified organisms (transgens) on the environment and health, is due on November 13th 2012 in the Serbian Parliament (before the Committee for Protection of the Environment of the Serbian). In light of this event, and the heated debate in the Serbian public, we are republishing this article
(Séralini et al.: Genetically modified crops safety assessments: present limits and possible improvements. Environmental Sciences Europe 2011 23:10.)

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Monitoring of public services at the local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina

In recent decades, the focus is increasingly turning towards defining political responsibility for the results during the term of elected government where civil society organizations (CSOs) play one of the most important roles. Reasons for this are numerous, but the most imperative is the necessity of external control for the results achieved in post – election period. Let us not ignore the fact – the more democratic society is, public accountability becomes mandatory and a must. It must be noted that responsibility is one of the principles of concept of good governance, in addition to efficiency, effectiveness, participation and transparency.

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The Effect on the Region of the Development and Modernization of the Iron Gate I Hydropower and Navigation System

The Iron Gate I hydropower and navigation system (km 943+600 of the Danube) was commissioned on 6 August 1970. Each power plant, Serbian and Romanian of the same size, includes six power units with Kaplan turbines of 190 MW nominal power per unit. During the design and construction phases, these were the largest units of the kind in the world. In the 21st century the Iron Gate I HPP will still represent the focal point of the power supply systems of Serbia and Romania, as well as the focal point of navigation on the Danube with its navigation channels falling within the framework of development of European Corridor VII. After the onset of operation (1970-1972), the power units have on the average been subjected to about 200,000 hours of operation each. The calculated operating life of the equipment has elapsed, and testing shows clear signs of ageing. In order to avoid operation with increased frequency of failure and downtime, resulting in significant production losses and increased maintenance costs, as well as to prevent possible damage, it is necessary to refurbish the power units and vital ancillary equipment in a timely fashion.

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