Regional police cooperation in the changed Balkans (Abstract)

The eleventh priority area in the Danube Strategy which is formulated in January 2012 is the promotion of the security and the fight against cross-border organized crime. Enhanced intensity of the regional police relations is essential in order to combat security threats, but also for the construction a stable region. The Balkans is one of the major importers of “soft” security threats within the EU, as well as the well-known route used by organized criminal groups for various criminal activities. Balkan route is the main route for smuggling heroin into which are the most used waterways and land routes. In the future regional security in the Balkan countries will depend on mutual cooperation between states and governments in fighting organized crime.

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On Trans-Regional and Trans-Border Cooperation

The fact is that we are today still far from that Hugo’s vision of Europe where the battlefield would be exchanged for market and spirit would become open for ideas. Perhaps nowadays when we discuss at the most about united Europe we are as far from being united as we were after the Second World War, or at the time of the so-called Cold War. Undoubtedly, however the fact is that for South-Slavs this period is much more baleful. The most painful geopolitical pre-structuring of powers in this present Europe were happening on the Balkans

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Methodology for the Elaboration of Sectorial Studies for Territorial Capital by Synergy of the Sequential Components based on Eco-Bio-Economy with a View to Form the Rural Web Network of Zoogenetic Biodiversity in the Banat Region

Eco-Bio-Economy may be considered an attempt for a new eco-economic and bio-economic vision, which reunites in an integrated pattern: the economy, the ecology, the biodiversity, the eco-economy and the bio-economy focusing the integrated smart sustainable development of the world. To this valuable areas, the Eco-Bio-Economy may address possible Eco-Bio-Policies and Eco-Bio-Strategies and allows the contribution of the social economy, of excellence and of the “all in one quality”, of the welfare economy, of solidarity, social corporate responsibility, as elements which may be utilized in an integrated practical future platform in a multipolar world for a healthy and ecological environment, to ensure and to promote a smart, creative, innovative, economic sustainable development. Transnational projects can also be included in the strategy for development in Banat because these projects represent a possible way of developing the Danube area.

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Cluster – A Chance for Women’s Entrepreneurship Development

Linking production, science and education today is a necessary condition for increasing competitiveness. The conquest of new markets and new technologies and creation of new jobs without the participation of related institutions becomes unmanageable. Economy which wants successful development and good business results has to provide conditions for creating strong relationships with the production of scientific research and educational institutions. Networking in the cluster thus becomes a necessity for economic development. Shared vision, shared strategy, and the same goal – to succeed, becomes possible and feasible through the cluster. Creativity, innovation and vision of the clusters – in spite of the increasing globalization – provide a long-term advantage for enterprises. Well-organized and properly managed cluster management with effective and competent managers will use the competitive advantages of clusters. In addition, it will ensure its place in the market and will enable its growth and development. In Serbia the year of 2012 is marked as the year of women`s entrepreneurship. Hereby I am outlining the links which refer to the tight connection between the expanding women`s entrepreneurship and clusters as an effective recipe for further networking, education and joint market.

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Regionalization and Globalization in the Concept of Sustainable Development Education

model sistema za menadzment kvaliteta

The concept of sustainable development appeared when the economic growth was given ecological objectives regarding the prevention and reduction of pollution with a view to environmental preservation, as well as the rehabilitation of affected areas. The prevention of a destructive process such as the disruption of the ecological balance is by all means cheaper than the reconstitution of the conditions prior to an ecological disaster. Sustainable development has become the strategical objective of all mankind. United in pursuit of this objective, the governments of many countries elaborated variants of actions which should ensure the economic growth towards which mankind aspires, with minimum damage to the environment. There were elaborated political and economic solutions, worldwide and region-wide, and so there was born a new discipline, called environmental engineering.

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Rivers do Not to be Borders – The Phenomenon of the Danubian Culture (a comparative reflection in cultural history of Europe)

Profound and complex cultural inter-penetrating also resulted from close contacts among people using the river for transports. If the official history of the Danube is that of politics and navigation mostly, this is not a consequence of absence of evidence in other domains, but rather that of absence of consequential historiography. Evidences of cultural interference along the banks of the Danube are various and numerous, going from houses and clothes to social practices and popular culture. The cultural parallels among the Danube countries become obvious if only one cares to make a real or literary voyage on the Danube from its source to its mouth. The cultural similarities flowing by on its banks, from one region to another, are striking.

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The role of Bavarian NGOs in protecting the environment along River Danube as part of the projects of Danube Strategy (Full Article)

Authors: Krisztina Kőműves, geographer, PhD student, and András Mérei, geographer, politologist, PhD student, Doctoral School of Earth Sciences University of Pécs, Hungary Editor’s note: This is the full article of the abstract published last week. Introduction The southeast strategic direction … Continue reading

The role of Bavarian NGOs in protecting the environment along River Danube as part of the projects of Danube Strategy (Abstract)

The southeast strategic direction and the importance of the Danube region has been present in the German political thinking for centuries. This thanks not only to the pass of the River Danube in Southern Germany, but also to the vacuum of power in the area in the past and the presence of German ethnic groups. Due to the changing German interests in Southeast Europe, today the Danube Strategy of the European Union could define a new policy which base not only on state interests but on the determinate role of NGOs and ’bottom-up’ initiations. According to the ’bottom-up’ principle – the idea of European Commission – there are many proposals which come from the local players.

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Proposed Flood Protection Measures

Perceived change in climate over the world begins to be negatively felt in our geographical latitudes, too. Increasing global surface temperature, extreme temperature differences in a short period cause so far unprecedented progress of the weather: dry periods with deficient rainfall are followed by periods of excessive rainfall that is impossible to be absorbed and accumulated by the surface, which causes hydrological cycle disruption in nature. More and more often there occur such rainfalls: in small river basins enormous amount of water fall to the ground and runs down unrestrainedly over surface into watercourses causing so-called flash floods with inconceivable material and moral consequences.

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About the Ecology of the Navigation Link the Black Sea – the North Sea

By JCKole on Flickr. Source: Fotopedia. (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

In the neighbourhood of the Black Sea – North Sea navigation waterway a very important industrial activity has developed, of high influence on national gross product (NGP) of the respective countries. The risk of nature degradation is included in the polluting factors which result from the main categories of the social activity: material production (organic and inorganic wastes, chemical ashes, scrap iron, damaged grounds, deforestation etc.), energy production (carbon dioxide, carbon oxide, sulphur dioxide, ashes, radio-active wastes etc.), consumption (dust, worn waters, garbage etc.). In order to express the wastes quantity due to the economical activity in a certain national economy or in a certain economic-social area, the input-output model can be used when considering “m” branches of goods production and (n-m) wastes generated by these branches (n m).

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