Legal Framework for Cooperation in the Sava Basin

The establishment of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe (SP) in 1999, provided a solid basis for the cooperation in the region. Mutual negotiations of the Sava countries, conducted under the auspices of the SP, resulted in the signing of the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (FASRB) and the Protocol of Navigation, on December 3rd 2002, in Kranjska Gora (Slovenia), between Republic of Slovenia, Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (the later State Union of Serbia and Montenegro and than only the Republic of Serbia).

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Regional Cooperation within the Sava Commission for Sustainable Development of Bosnia&Herzegovina

Karta basena Save

Regional cooperation between countries of South-Eastern Europe has made a qualitative shift from externally guided actions towards the active and responsible engagement, with the aim of the sustainable development of the region. This change was accompanied with transformation of the Stability Pact for South-Eastern Europe into the Regional Cooperation Council. The formation of the Regional Cooperation Council, with the Secretariat in Sarajevo, marks a major shift in policy towards the region of the international community. These countries began a new phase of “regional ownership and responsibility” for regional cooperation. In this regard, the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin, concluded between Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Republic of Slovenia and Republic of Serbia, is of particular importance. Therefore, this agreement includes all the functions of water resources management – the establishment of an international regime of navigation on the Sava River and its tributaries, the establishment of sustainable water management and prevention or limitation of the hazards in the basin effects of floods, ice, droughts and incidents substances that are harmful to water. International Sava River Basin Commission (Sava Commission) was formed as a permanent body in charge of implementation of the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin, development of the Action Plan for the Sava River Basin and the adoption of necessary legal acts and the Protocols. Cooperation in the Sava Commission is based on the application of EU directives in the field of water and harmonization of the legislation with the EU legislation.

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The Review of the Environmental, Economic and Security Capacity of the River Danube

The authors of this paper indicate the uniqueness and specificity of the Danube River provides all the countries of the Danube region. The need to raise the level and quality of cooperation among all countries in the Danube region within the European Union with a special focus on Serbia. At the same time, the paper presents the analysis of current issues contained in the policy documents and proposals are given in terms of further improving the institutional capacity within the European Union.

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Mesto, uloga i značaj Srbije u realizaciji principa i smernica usvojenih u Dunavskoj strategiji

Djerdapska klisura

Srbija je aktivno učestvovala u radu na Dunavskoj strategiji. Posmatrano retrospektivno, Dunav je za Srbiju uvek imao strateški značaj i aktuelna Dunavska strategija kao ideja postojala je i pre dvesta godina, kao projekat izgradnje Plovnog puta Dunav–Egejsko more iz 1909. godine.

Međutim, posmatramo li u današnjim prilikama projekat Plovnog puta Dunav–Egejsko more iz 1909. godine, geopolitičko-ekonomska pozicija Srbije je bitno drugačija. Srbija nije članica EU i nije mogla da neposredno učestvuje u procesu usvajanja evropskog akcionog programa za unutrašnje plovne puteve – NAIADES (Integrated European Action Programme for Inland Waterway Transport) i definisanja i aktiviranja platforme za njegovu primenu

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Osvrt na ekološke, privredne i bezbednosne kapacitete reke Dunav


Poznato je da reka Dunav predstavlja okosnicu privrednog razvoja i međudržavne saradnje podunavskih zemalja. Na polju zaštite životne sredine reku Dunav možemo označiti vodećim faktorom u delu koji se odnosi na planiranje i razvoj adekvatnog ekološkog koncepta. Pri tome, ne treba prevideti sveukupan značaj Dunava i na ostalim poljima, poput: društveno-ekonomskog, kulturnog, političkog razvoja, te unapređenja opšte saradnje među podunavskim zemljama. Nisu retki oni koji reku Dunav tretiraju faktorom razvoja i na ostalim poljima međudržavne saradnje čitavog podunavskog regiona. Poseban značaj Dunava uočljiv je i kroz izradu relevantnih strateških dokumenata, poput Strategije Evropske unije za Dunavski region i pratećih instrumenata iz ove oblasti.

Autori ovim radom ukazuju na posebnost i specifičnosti koje reka Dunav pruža svim državama podunavskog regiona. Ističe se potreba za podizanjem nivoa i kvaliteta saradnje svih zemalja podunavskog regiona u okvirima Evropske unije sa posebnim osvrtom na Srbiju. Istovremeno, u radu je prikazana analiza aktuelne problematike sadržane u strateškim dokumentima i dati su predlozi na planu daljeg unapređenja institucionalnog kapaciteta u okviru Evropske unije.

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Project Financing of Infrastructure Facilities and Water Supply – Part 2

The biggest risks that project sponsors confront with in modern conditions of global financial and general economic crisis are: political, legal, financial, constructive, operational and commercial risks. Political risk comes out of potential possibilities of political phenomenon, like war, revolution, expropriation of active, the change of tax policy, currency devaluation, and problems of controlling foreign exchanges, exporting limits, and all other Government activities, that can influence on the project profitability. However, political risks can be extremely high, especially in developing countries, which have unstable Government so that all Government changes can influence on the project policy as well as on project sponsorship.

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Project Financing of Infrastructure Facilities and Water Supply – Part 1

Water economy is the foundation of economy and society, and water is the most important strategic resource of the 21st century. Benjamin Franklin said that basic water value could be understood only when the well ran dry.

Principal of development of water economy in Serbia is to create sustainable, highly qualified and various capacities which will provide the growth of number of employees and the growth of income as well not only in water economy, but in agriculture, transportation, tourism, and other branches, and all that in aim to increase life standard. In centre of attention is sustainable economic development.

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Пројектно финансирање инфраструктурних објеката водопривреде – други део

Највећи ризици с којима се спонзори пројекта суочавају, у савременим условима глобалне финансијске и опште економске кризе, су: политички, правни, финансијски, конструкциони, оперативни и тржишни ризик. Политички ризик произилази из потенцијалних могућности појављивања политичких догађаја, као што је рат, револуција, експропријација активе, промена пореске политике, девалвација валуте, проблеми контроле размене с иностранством, извозна ограничења и сва остале активности Владе, које могу утицати на профитабилност пројекта. Међутим, политички ризици могу бити изузетно високи, нарочито у земљама у развоју, које имају нестабилну Владу, те сходно томе промене у Влади могу утицати на политику пројекта, али и на спонзорство пројекта.

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Пројектно финансирање инфраструктурних објеката водопривреде

Водопривреда је темељ развоја привреде и друштва, а вода је најважији стратешки ресурс XXI века. Бенџамин Франклин је рекао да суштинску вредност воде схватамо тек када бунар пресуши. Основни циљ развоја водопривредне делатности у Србији је креирање одрживих, високо-квалитетних и разноликих капацитета који ће омогућити раст броја запослених, а самим тим и раст прихода не само у водопривреди него и у пољопривреди, саобраћају, туризму и другим гранама, а све у циљу повећања животног стандарда. У средишту пажње је одрживи привредни развој.

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Čenćanska Lakes – The Gate of Banat and the Middle Tamis Basin (Abstract)


This presentation is based on the idea of civil environmental association “ECO-WAVE“ from Tomasevci for the formation of the project: “Čenćanska Lakes – Gate of Banat and the Middle Tamiš Basin” through Local Action Group “Tamiš Development Initiative” (LAG-TRI). As noted in the source material area LAG-TRI covers the territory of nine settlements in the area of the middle flow of the river Tamis: Tomaševac, Orlovat, Farkaždin, Idvor, Sakule, Baranda, Čenta and Opovo. It spreads over parts of three municipalities: Zrenjanin, Kovačica and Opovo, as well as two districts: Central Banat and South Banat.

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