Topics / Teme
- accountability in public services (1)
- Adriatic-Ionian region (1)
- ADRION (2)
- advocacy (2)
- aero-zagađenja (1)
- agenda 21 (1)
- agglomeration-megapolises (1)
- agriculture (2)
- archaeology (1)
- architecture (1)
- autentičnost turističke destinacije (1)
- Axios (1)
- Banat (1)
- Beograd (1)
- best practice (2)
- bezbednost (3)
- biodiversity (1)
- biodizel (2)
- biogorivo (1)
- biokompost (1)
- biomasa (3)
- bombardovanje (1)
- Bosna-Herzegovina (1)
- bottom-up initiatives (2)
- canal Danube-Morava-Vardar-Aegean Sea (1)
- CEEweb (6)
- CEEweb recommendations on climate change (6)
- civil society (1)
- climate change (8)
- cluster (1)
- clusters (1)
- cluster sample (1)
- collision (1)
- communal hygiene (1)
- cultural-park heritage (1)
- curriculum (2)
- Dalj (1)
- Danube region (2)
- Danube river (1)
- Danube Strategy (1)
- Danube – Tisa – Danube Canal (1)
- depth (1)
- development (1)
- Drava-Sava navigation (1)
- državna preduzeća (1)
- dubina (1)
- dunavska strategija (4)
- eco-bio-economy (1)
- eco-bioeconomy (1)
- ecology contents (2)
- economic development (1)
- economic diplomacy (1)
- ekološki sadržaji (2)
- ekonomija znanja (1)
- energija vetra (1)
- energy (1)
- enterpreneurship (1)
- environment (3)
- environmental law (4)
- environmental prevention (1)
- ethno-zoo-technology (1)
- EU (1)
- EU legislation (1)
- euro (1)
- EU strategija za Jadransko-jonski region (2)
- EU Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region (1)
- evro (1)
- evrozona (1)
- fauna (1)
- floating debris (1)
- flooding areas (1)
- flood protection system (1)
- flora (1)
- flow (1)
- fond časova (2)
- food defence (1)
- food safety (2)
- food security (1)
- food supply (1)
- forestry (1)
- fozgen (1)
- Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin (5)
- health (2)
- hidro-morfologija (1)
- hidrologije (1)
- history (1)
- hydro-morphology (1)
- hydrology (1)
- hydropower (1)
- inland waterways (1)
- inter-christian cooperation (1)
- inter-religious dialogue (1)
- interfaith dialogue (1)
- international fast shipping connections (1)
- interreligious cooperation (1)
- investicije (1)
- investment (1)
- Iron Gate (1)
- irrigation system (1)
- izborni predmeti (2)
- kanal Morava-Vardar-Egejsko (1)
- Karpati (1)
- karpatska konvencija (1)
- klimatske promene (7)
- koletarlna šteta (1)
- Kolumbija (1)
- komunalni otpad (1)
- kriterijumi za turističku valorizaciju (1)
- kulturna baština (3)
- kulturno nasleđe (1)
- Law on Waters (2)
- Lisabonski ugovor (1)
- local self-government (1)
- local streets and roads (1)
- Macro region (1)
- makro-region (2)
- medium speed (1)
- Milutin Milanković (1)
- Morava (3)
- Morava-Vardar (2)
- Morava River (1)
- multiethnicity (1)
- municipal waste (1)
- nastavni plan i program (2)
- nastavni predmeti (2)
- national identity (1)
- nationalism (1)
- NATO (1)
- natural and cultural heritage (1)
- nature conservation (1)
- nautical traffic (1)
- nautički saobraćaj (1)
- navigation (2)
- navigation canal (1)
- navigation route (1)
- neformalna ekonomija (1)
- nematerijalno kulturno nasleđe (1)
- neovlašćena iskopavanja (1)
- non-compulsory activities (2)
- number of lessons (2)
- obnovljivi izvori energije (2)
- određivanje granica (1)
- održiv razvoj (2)
- optional and elective subjects (2)
- opšti ekonomski interes (1)
- otpad (1)
- otpadne vode (1)
- ozonska rupa (1)
- ozonski omotač (1)
- pametna specijalizacija (1)
- Pančevo (1)
- peletiranja biomase (1)
- plovidba (1)
- plovni put (1)
- plutajući nanos (1)
- Podunavlje (2)
- pogranična područja (1)
- pokretna kulturna dobra (1)
- policija (1)
- politics of ethnicity (1)
- politics of religion (1)
- poljoprivreda (1)
- Potamišje (1)
- prečišćivanje otpadnih voda (1)
- prirodni resursi (1)
- private financing (2)
- privatisation (1)
- privatizacija (1)
- privredni razvoj (2)
- project financing (2)
- proticaj (1)
- public financing (2)
- public services (1)
- public transportation (1)
- reciklaža (1)
- reciklaža otpada (1)
- regije (1)
- regional cooperation (9)
- regionalism (1)
- regionalna saradnja (2)
- reka Dunav (3)
- reliability (1)
- religion (2)
- resource management (1)
- reusing waste water (1)
- rečna granica (1)
- risk (1)
- River Danube (2)
- role of CSOs (1)
- Roman limes (1)
- rural-city (1)
- rural development (1)
- rural web (1)
- sacral buildings (1)
- sailing (1)
- Sava Commission (5)
- school subjects (2)
- security (2)
- sekundarne sirovine (1)
- Serbia (2)
- Serbian Danube region (1)
- sistem odbrane od polava (1)
- sistem za navodnjavanje (1)
- slobodne aktivnosti (2)
- Smart Specialisation Platform (1)
- social accountability (1)
- solarna energija (1)
- spatial planning (1)
- Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia (1)
- SPC (1)
- sportovi na vodi (1)
- Srbija (2)
- srednje brzina (1)
- state-owned enterprises (1)
- Strategija EU za Alpski region (1)
- Strategija EU za Baltički region (1)
- Strategija EU za Dunavski region (1)
- Strategija EU za Jadransko-jonski region (1)
- street lighting infrastructure (1)
- sustainable development (6)
- sustainable use of natural resources (1)
- Tamiš (1)
- territorial capital (1)
- the Danube strategy (3)
- Timok (1)
- traditional crafts (1)
- transition (1)
- transport costs (1)
- transpotni troškovi (1)
- tranzicija (1)
- turistička valorizacija (1)
- turističke vrijednosti rijeke Drine (1)
- Vardar (1)
- vodoprivreda (2)
- vodosnabdevanje (1)
- Vojvodina (3)
- waste water (1)
- water and sewarage (1)
- water demand management (1)
- water management (6)
- water pollution (1)
- water purification (1)
- water security (1)
- water sources management (4)
- water sports (1)
- water supply (2)
- waterways (1)
- width (1)
- women enterpreneurs (1)
- workplace safety (1)
- Čenta (1)
- širina (1)
- žetveni ostaci (1)
- žive tradicije (1)
- životna sredina (3)
- Закон о водама (2)
- Српско Подунавље (1)
Table of Contents / Sadržaj
List of all articles published in Danubius. Spisak svih članaka objavljenih u Danubiusu (ISSN: 2217-4826)
- Finansijske regulative u EU by Kristijan Ristić, Gordana Radović
- The Green Economy and the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Best practices for the Danube Region by Robert C. Brears
- Makroregionalne strategije Evropske unije – Sedam godina posle by Dragan Stojović
- Urban water security: Lessons for the Danube region by Robert C. Brears
- Ten economic benefits of the Danube for Serbia by Dejan Jolović
- Deset ekonomskih doprinosa Dunava Srbiji by Dejan Jolović
- Jadransko-jonska strategija kao indikator makroregionalnog koncepta Evropske unije by Biljana Savić
- The Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region as an Indicator of the Macroregional Concept of the European Union (Abstract) by Biljana Savić
- Economic Diplomacy for the Enhancement of Macro-Regional Cooperation Forms in Europe - with special focus on the EU strategy for the Danube Region by Edita Stojić Karanović
- Techniques of Safety and Environmental Risk and Reliability Modelling for Sustainable Inland Water Transportation System by O. O.Sulaiman, A.S.A. Kader
- Conservation and Sustainable Use of Natural and Cultural Heritage in the Spatial Plan of the Republic of Serbia (Abstract) by Dragan Dunčić, Milica Dobričić
- Заштита и одрживо коришћење природног и културног наслеђа у Просторном плану Републике Србије by Dragan Dunčić, Milica Dobričić
- Ozonski omotač – poslednja linija odbrane by Miroslava Mitić
- „Kolateral Beograd“ - 18 april 1999.godine by Zoran Gavrilović
- Beginnings of the Meteorological Observations in Serbia by Edita Stojić Karanović, Enisa Imamović
- Employing Sacral Architecture as a Strategic Political Tool by Dunja Predić
- Doctrine - Accept Waste Water, Purify and Use It (APU) (Abstract) by Rade Milutinović
- Doktrina PPU - Prihvatiti otpadnu vodu, Prečistiti je i korisno Utrošiti by Rade Milutinović
- Privatizacija u “privatnoj“ Srbiji by Aleksandar Plavšin
- Privatization in “Private” Serbia by Aleksandar Plavšin
- Culture-Park Heritage in the Serbian Danube Region (Abstract) by Velimir Lj. Ćerimović
- Критички осврт на третирање културно-парковног наслеђа у српском Подунављу by Velimir Lj. Ćerimović
- View of hydrological and hydro-morphological parametars of the Morava River from the aspect of navigation (Abstract) by Stevan Prohaska, Slobodan Petković
- Prikaz hidroloških i hidro-morfoloških parametara reke Morave sa aspekta plovidbe (Apstrakt) by Stevan Prohaska, Slobodan Petković
- The Project to Construct the Danube-Morava-Vardar-Aegean Canal (Abstract) by Dragan Dunčić, Jelena Lukić
- Пројекат изградње канала Дунав-Морава-Вардар-Егејско море (Апстракт) by Dragan Dunčić, Jelena Lukić
- Туристичка валоризација културно-историјског и природног насљеђа - Туристичке вриједности ријеке Дрине и њених обала by Lorana Malović
- Непокретно културно наслеђе Јужног Баната by Jasmina Vujović
- Strateški značaj ulaganja u proizvodnju biogoriva - dobar primjer koji treba slijediti by Hernando Carvalho Murci, Emina Ahmetović, Maida Bešlagić
- Graditeljska baština Srba u Dalju - Saborni hram Svetog Dimitrija by Borislav Đekić
- Reke kao granične linije Srbije – Primer reke Timok by Branko Pavlica
- Contemporary Inter–Religious Cooperation in the Danube–Balkan Region by Marko Nikolić, Dragana Petrović-Rađenović
- The New Concept of Eco-Bioeconomy in the Elaboration of Strategies for Safety Food and Defence Food by Marcel Matiuti, Alexandru T. Bogdan, Carmen-Luminita Matiuti
- Examining scale of quality of public service delivery: addressing water and sewerage, communal hygiene, local streets and lighting infrastructure by Emina Ahmetović, Edina Busovača, Maida Bešlagić, Emir Ahmetović, Edina Nožinović
- Valorizacija žetvenih ostataka sa značajnim pozitivnim efektima na životnu sredinu by Mato Zubac
- Genetically modified crops safety assessments: present limits and possible improvements by Gilles-Eric Séralini, Robin Mesnage, Emilie Clair, Steeve Gress, Joël S de Vendômois, Dominique Cellier
- Monitoring of public services at the local level in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Emina Ahmetović, Edina Busovača, Edina Nožinović
- Uredi, sakupi, recikliraj i uštedi by Aleksandar Milošević
- The Effect on the Region of the Development and Modernization of the Iron Gate I Hydropower and Navigation System by Dragan Stanković
- Regional police cooperation in the changed Balkans (Abstract) by Saša Đorđević
- Regionalna policijska saradnja na izmenjenom Balkanu (Apstrakt) by Saša Đorđević
- On Trans-Regional and Trans-Border Cooperation by Melita Richter – Malabotta
- Methodology for the Elaboration of Sectorial Studies for Territorial Capital by Synergy of the Sequential Components based on Eco-Bio-Economy with a View to Form the Rural Web Network of Zoogenetic Biodiversity in the Banat Region by Matiuti Marcel
- Obnovljivi izvori energije – nasušna potreba Srbije (Apstrakt) by Miloš Radaković
- Graditeljska baština Srba u Dalju - kuća Milutina Milankovića by Borislav Đekić
- Cluster – A Chance for Women's Entrepreneurship Development by Vesna Rusić
- Regionalization and Globalization in the Concept of Sustainable Development Education by Lidia Cristea
- Биљни и животињски свет (флора и фауна) као потенцијал зa развој туризма Подунавља Србије by Dragan Petrović
- Rivers do Not to be Borders - The Phenomenon of the Danubian Culture (a comparative reflection in cultural history of Europe) by Cirila Toplak
- The role of Bavarian NGOs in protecting the environment along River Danube as part of the projects of Danube Strategy (Full Article) by Krisztina Kőműves, András Mérei
- The role of Bavarian NGOs in protecting the environment along River Danube as part of the projects of Danube Strategy (Abstract) by Krisztina Kőműves, András Mérei
- Proposed Flood Protection Measures by Oliver Kovács
- About the Ecology of the Navigation Link the Black Sea - the North Sea by Ioan Cuncev
- Uloga ekološkog obrazovanja u zaštiti i unapređivanju životne sredine by Sefedin Šehović
- The Role of Ecology Education in Environmental Protection and Advancement (Abstract) by Sefedin Šehović
- Roman Limes: Frontier line of the Roman Empire in the Iron Gate area by Vladimir Kondić
- Role of CSOs to support regional initiatives in implementation of EU directives in the Danube Region and Western Balkan countries by Emina Ahmetović, Edina Busovača, Fljorina Nulleshi
- Regional Cooperation within the Sava Commission for Sustainable Development of B&H – Conclusion by Biljana Savić
- New Phase of Cooperation in the Sava River Basin by Biljana Savić
- Economic Basis for Cooperation in the Sava River Basin by Biljana Savić
- Legal Framework for Cooperation in the Sava Basin by Biljana Savić
- Regional Cooperation within the Sava Commission for Sustainable Development of Bosnia&Herzegovina by Biljana Savić
- The Review of the Environmental, Economic and Security Capacity of the River Danube by Marijana Dukić Mijatović, Željko Bjelajac, Ivan Joksić
- Mesto, uloga i značaj Srbije u realizaciji principa i smernica usvojenih u Dunavskoj strategiji by Marijana Dukić Mijatović, Željko Bjelajac, Ivan Joksić
- Osvrt na ekološke, privredne i bezbednosne kapacitete reke Dunav by Marijana Dukić Mijatović, Željko Bjelajac, Ivan Joksić
- Project Financing of Infrastructure Facilities and Water Supply - Part 2 by Dobrica Vesić, Srbijanka Stojić, Lidija Beko
- Project Financing of Infrastructure Facilities and Water Supply - Part 1 by Dobrica Vesić, Srbijanka Stojić, Lidija Beko
- Пројектно финансирање инфраструктурних објеката водопривреде - други део by Dobrica Vesić, Srbijanka Stojić, Lidija Beko
- Пројектно финансирање инфраструктурних објеката водопривреде by Dobrica Vesić, Srbijanka Stojić, Lidija Beko
- Čenćanska Lakes – The Gate of Banat and the Middle Tamis Basin (Abstract) by Stevan Prohaska
- Čenćanska jezera - kapija Banata i Srednje Potamišje by Stevan Prohaska
- National Climate Change Strategies Should Target the Roots of the Problem by CEEweb for Biodiversity
- CEEweb’s recommendations on climate change - Nature Conservation by CEEweb for Biodiversity
- CEEweb’s recommendations on climate change - Forestry by CEEweb for Biodiversity
- CEEweb’s recommendations on climate change – Water by CEEweb for Biodiversity
- CEEweb’s recommendations on climate change - Agriculture by CEEweb for Biodiversity
- The Necessity of Ecosystem-Based Adaptation to Climate Change at National Level by CEEweb for Biodiversity
- Morava - Vardar (Axios) Navigation Route by Dobrivoje Jovanovski
- Shipping on the Waters of SEE Region Over-bridging the Borders SOWOB-SEE (Abstract) by Sándor Götz
- Women and Climate Change - Žene i klimatske promene (Video) by Gender CC, Flavio Pazos, Ana Filippini
- Problem plutajućeg nanosa na Dunavu i Tamišu: Okolina grada Pančeva by Danica Županski, Zoran Gavrilović
- Problem of Floating Debris in the Danube and Tamiš Rivers: Area of Pančevo by Danica Županski, Zoran Gavrilović
- Inter-regionalna saradnja promocijom Karpatske konvencije by Sonja Prodanović
- Predlog za izradu projekta ruralnog istraživačkog turizma pod nazivom “Putevima starih Sasa” u istočnoj Srbiji na bazi prirodno geološke osobenosti okruženja by Božidar Obradović
- Dunavska strategija je jedna od onih tema u kojima moramo obezbediti susret znanja i akcije by Božidar Đelić
- Neovlašćena iskopavanja pokretnih kulturnih dobara by Ljubica Milosavljević
- Environmental Impact Assessment and European Community Law by Michael Watson
- Нематеријално културно наслеђе – Могућности и опасности употребе у туристичке сврхе (Апстракт) by Enisa Imamović
- The Potential of Banking Sector, Commertial Banks and Financial Markets in Better Economic Connection of Countries in Danube Region (Abstract) by Danica Pavičević